Connection Church
Tampa Bay
Connection Church
Tampa Bay
Connection Church
Tampa Bay
Connection Church
Tampa Bay
Thank you for your gift
Thank you for your gift
Thank you for your gift
About us
Connection Church
Tampa Bay
Sunday Morning at 11:00 we gather together with our hearts open to receive and our hands ready to serve.
We are a Pentecostal church, so our praise is energetic, and worship is heartfelt. We are proud of our heritage… and are also proud that we are diverse in the way we “do church.” Our music is both praise and worship. We love to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. But we also welcome the sweetness of the Holy Spirit to saturate as we worship God in the beauty of His holiness.
We come expecting a Word from the Lord, and that is what we receive. Our Pastor brings us a timely word to build and encourage us. He presents the Gospel and offers people the opportunity to find a personal relationship with God.
We see and acknowledge race, culture, gender, identity, orientation, political opinion, and any other barrier that has been used to divide. And we welcome, include, and celebrate everyone; all without exception.
The worldwide COVID pandemic has had a tremendous effect on people around the world. Businesses have suffered, some have not yet recovered, and others are no longer around. The Church is no exception. Across the country small churches have closed, and others have had to relocate, reinvent, and learn to respond to the needs of the community in new and unique ways.
That's what has happened here at CCTB. We have weathered the storm and we are still here. We are building something where everyone can find a place to connect. We are utilizing all the resources and platforms available to us to reach out. We want YOU to come be part of what God is doing in the greater Tampa Bay area.
You will not find perfection here, because we are not perfect people. But you will find love here, because we love God, we love each other, and we will love you.
That is who WE are… We want to get to you!
our leaders:
Kelsey Swope

Demi Rutledge

Allen Lyle
Business Administrator, Treasurer

Erik Swope-Wise
Worship Arts